Waiting for Amada parts? Lapis can repair or find your parts faster. And don't miss an opportunity. Check out our current Featured Machines

Don´t Change What Already Works For You. Upgrade it.

If you are considering an Amada upgrade, retrofit or remanufacture, we may have a better solution.
Lapis can provide Amada parts faster that are less expensive so you have less downtime.
Discover how by having a brief chat with one of our engineers.

Expertise Amada.


Control Integration

Worldwide Service


With over 44 years of repairing and servicing Amada Machines, The Lapis® Services Team provides specialized expert service on Amada Turret Punch Presses and Amada Press Brakes.

We provide prime grade service for your Amada Machine.

What do you need today?

If you have an Amada turret punch press or Amada Press Brake, the Lapis® Services Team can provide expert, reliable service in a very timely fashion.
From maintenance calls to complete rebuilds, we have the staff and experience to meet your demands. Guaranteed.
If you are looking to replace or add a Amada Turret Punch or an Amada Press Brake, we have a wide variety of cost-effective solutions.

Spending on New Amada Machine?

We may have a better solution.
Discover how by having a brief chat with one of our engineers.



Ready for a 30% speed increase on your existing machine? Get the best of both worlds, we got you covered!

Need Parts, repair or Service NOW?

We know how important is for you and your company to keep things runing,

Scedule a call and we will  be right there with you.